Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP)
What is a Mental Health Care Plan? A Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) is a plan that your GP prescribes for you to support you in the treatment of mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or personality disorders. You don’t...
How to deal with the loss of a loved one?
When we lose someone, we loved, we might find ourselves in a very challenging place, full of pain and suffering. We ask ourselves several questions, many without answers, and in the end we might find ourselves in a fork in a road, unsure of how to go ahead with life....
What can I expect from my first appointment?
It is expected for someone to feel uneasy before attending their first appointment with a psychologist. Many thoughts might be crossing one's mind, such as: "What should I talk about?" "How about if I don't feel comfortable with my psychologist?" "Will my psychologist...
Why should I see a psychologist?
A psychologist is a professional trained to treat mental health and emotional challenges. They can support one on overcoming traumatic experiences, changing unhealthy patterns and improving non-desirable behaviours. A psychologist can also help a person on dealing...
How does the rebate works?
When you attend your first session with a psychologist in our clinic with your Mental Health Care Plan, our receptionist will ask for your payment method, along with your Medicare card or your private health insurance card. If you are claiming you rebate through...
Do you do bulk billing?
A bulk billing clinic offers sessions with a psychologist with no cost for the client. The whole session is covered by Medicare if the client presents a valid MHCP - click here to know more about Mental Health Care Plan. At Talking Works we do not offer bulk billed...
Can I see a psychologist other than the one addressed at my Mental Health Care Plan?
When you go to your GP and receive access to a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP), your GP will refer to someone within his network if you do not have a psychologist in mind for your treatment. However, if you have the name of a psychologist you would like to work with,...
Como acessar o reembolso da minha sessão de terapia através do meu OSHC?
Antes Para que você tenha acesso ao reembolso em até 10 sessões por ano, é preciso que você tenha um Mental Health Care Plan prescrito pelo seu GP e ativo. Clique aqui se você precisa de ajuda para acessar o seu MHCP. Você precisa enviar uma cópia do seu MHCP antes do...
O que é o Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP)?
O que é o Mental Health Care Plan? O Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) é prescrito pelo seu médico GP, para te ajudar a lidar com o supporte e tratamento de sua saúde mental. Ele cobre o tratamento de depressão, ansiedade, estress pós-traumático, bem como transtornos de...
Como Lidar com a Perda de Uma Pessoa Amada
Quando perdemos uma pessoa querida, nos vemos em uma situação complicada, de muito sofrimento. Fazemo-nos diversas perguntas, muitas sem respostas, e, no final, nos vemos perdidos. Entre todos os questionamentos que surgem, um deles é o mais latente, que mais...